Knoxville, TN

Web Applications

My personal and professional work has included building web applications with combinations of:

.NET Framework

  • C# or VB.NET
  • ASP.NET MVC and Razor for views and API endpoints
  • knockout.js for templating
  • SQL Server for data storage
  • SQL Server Reporting Services or Microsoft Report Viewer for reporting
  • EPPlus for input and output using Excel spreadsheets
  • Git or Mercurial for source control
  • TeamCity for build automation
  • SQL Server Full-Text Search or Lucene.NET for full-text search

TypeScript + React

  • TypeScript and JavaScript
  • React for UX/UI
  • Lunr.js or Elasticsearch for full-text search
  • MobX or Redux for state
  • Git for source control


  • is a custom WordPress theme
  • Google Maps Shortcode plugin
  • Several personal sites converted to WordPress by importing from a custom blog system database to the WordPress database