Knoxville, TN

IncaBlocks Releases on Xbox Live Indie Games!

October 14, 2009

I’m proud to announce that today IncaBlocks, FuncWorks‘ first game, released on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace. It’s a block-stacking family board game for 1-4 players.

This represents a few months’ work on the part of Mike, Cicelie, and myself (you can read more over on Mike’s blog), and it’s exciting that it’s finally paid off. It’s amazing to think that code I wrote is not only running on a real game console, it’s being sold on Microsoft’s online service.

So if you have a 360, please check it out. There’s a free trial available, and the full game is just 80 points ($1). And if you like it, rating it would be much appreciated!
